The Anubis Gates by Tim Powers

  The Anubis Gates by Tim Powers focuses on an alternate reality in the early 1800s.  An alternate reality set in Egypt, where time travel is a key element.  Time travel stories are always interesting, but this one was particularly fascinating.  I took an art history class focusing on Egypt, and really loved the Egyptian mythology aspect of it.  I think my interest in Egypt definitely influenced my liking for this book.  Another thing that I liked about it was that it has some fantasy aspects incorporated, such as sorcerers and magicians.  Weirdly enough, the time travel aspect of it reminded me in some ways of one of my favorite books, Stephen King's 11/22/63.  In King's novel, the protagonist is brought back in time to the late 1950's-early '60's and has to try to stop the assassination of John F. Kennedy.  Brendan Doyle in The Anubis Gates also goes back in time and creates a life there, mostly because he's forced to do so. 
  The world that Tim Powers has created in the novel is very different from our own.  There are so many aspects of the novel that seem so exclusive to another reality, such as the time travel previously mentioned, body switching, real magic, and mythology.  Initially, the combination of all these things may make it seem convoluted.  However, Powers' execution of the narrative made it seem more epic than confusing, and it altogether it was very immersive.


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